Ten Tips for Choosing the Best Laser Distance Measurer for You

If you work in a professional trade such as carpentry, plumbing, inspection, or Brick3_Productany of a long list of other fields, you should consider adding a laser distance measuring device to your toolbox. These handy little units can save you a ton of time over pulling out an old tape measure, and they are incredibly accurate. Getting a measurement across a room is as simple as just pushing a button, and you won’t even need another person to hold the end of the tape. If you don’t yet own a laser measurer, put this item near the top of your shopping list.
When you head out to find a laser distance measurer, you will find that there are a number of models available on the market today. So how do you pick the right one for you? The following list includes ten tips which will help you land on the perfect model for your needs.

#1 Consider the Range

The first thing you want to think about when picking a laser measurer is how much range you will need the unit to be capable of providing. Are you only going to need it to measure small rooms, or will you have large spaces that need to be covered? Some laser units measure only 50 feet while others stretch out to 600 feet or more. Think about your typical application for this device and then select a model that will be up to the task.

#2 Size

Most lasers measurers on the market are easy to fit into the palm of your hand, but some are bigger than others. If you have small hands and want a small unit that is easily controlled, or if you have big hands and need a larger laser for ease of use, check on the exact size of any model you are considering. In addition to the way the laser fits in your hand, you always want to think about how it will fit in your toolbox or your tool belt.

#3 Backlighting on the Screen

Working in dark or dimly lit conditions means that a backlit screen is going to be a necessity. However, working outside only during the daytime would mean that you don’t particularly need a backlit screen. Again, think ahead to the settings in which you will be using the laser, and then decide if backlighting is something that will come in handy, or if it is an extra feature that you won’t need to use.

#4 Does time matter?

If you are going to be taking just a couple of measurements using fixed objects, it doesn’t particularly matter how long the device takes to return an accurate measurement. However, if you are going to be taking a large number of measurements or, if you measure items that might not be stationary for long you will want a quick response time from your laser measurer. Fast lasers can give you readings in less than a second while other units can take a couple of seconds or more.

#5 A Holster May Be Helpful

Some laser measurers will include a holster that you can wear on your tool belt while others will only include the unit itself. Of course, if a holster is something that is important to you, look for a model that includes this standard, so you don’t have to pay extra or go shopping and try to find one that fits. This is a point that comes down to the frequency with which you use the tool. If the laser is going to be a frequent part of day to day operation, having it close at hand will be a great time saver.

#6 Price

The price of a piece of equipment is always a consideration, so don’t forget to shop for laser measurers that fall within your budget for this purchase. There are options on the market that cover a wide range of price points, so you should be able to locate a good candidate within your budget with relative ease. You will have to give up some of the premium features if you choose to go with a less-expensive model, so think carefully about what you need the laser to do before you decide which one to purchase.

#7 Batteries

This isn’t a hugely important point, but it is something to keep on your radar at least. Different models and brands of laser measurers will run on different types of batteries, so you may want to pick out one that works with batteries you usually have available. For example, if you already have some other equipment that runs on AAA batteries, you may as well get a laser which also runs on AAA’s. That way, if the batteries happen to go dead in any of your gear, you should have replacements close at hand without having to carry three or four different sizes.

#8 Noise Issues

Does it matter to you if the laser measurer makes noise? If you work in an area with other people, they may quickly get annoyed if your laser is consistently making a beeping noise at it works. Therefore, look for a model that has a mute function if this is going to be a concern. You may or may not care about this point, but it is certainly something to consider. Most, but not all, laser units have a mute function, so check on this specifically before you buy, if it is important to you.

#9 Water Resistance

You aren’t going to want to throw your laser measurer into a pool anytime soon, but it is nice to have a water resistant model if you are going to be working outside in wet conditions. Think about your usual work environment and decide if the ability to repel water is going to be important to you. For instance, if you are a construction working indoors, water resistance probably isn’t a big deal. On the other hand, working outdoors means you will inevitably have to deal with some damp conditions.

#10 Warranty

It is always nice to have a manufacturer’s warranty standing behind your product. If you invest a significant amount of money in a quality laser measurer, you want to have some form of assurance that you will be getting your money’s worth over the long run. A good product will usually come with at least a one-year warranty, which is a good indication that the manufacturer is confident in the quality of the product that they are selling. You may find in most cases that as the price goes up, so will the warranty.

Laser measurers are wonderful for a variety of purposes, and there are plenty of great options on the market today for you to consider. As you can tell from the list above, there are many variables in play when shopping for a laser measurer of your own. Weigh all of the ten points on this list, in addition to anything else that is important to you, and you should be able to quickly narrow down your choices to a winner.