Do I Need A Security Safe?

As an MLA approved specialist in security safes installation friends and family often ask me if they actually need a security safe. After all why buy a security safe if you don’t really have a real need for one. That brings us to the question of why do you need a security safe?

Why Do I need a Safe?

A safe is not just to protect against thieves, it can also protect your belongings from the devastation of fire and water damage.

  • Burglary
  • Fire
  • Water Damage
security safesecurity safe

Reasons to Buy a Home Safe – Take the Test

Not everyone needs a security safe. If you tick any of the following boxes I would advise you to look into buying a safe as a priority;

  • You own a business
  • You have irreplaceable paperwork of an important and sensitive nature such as a will, deeds, stocks, birth or death certificates.
  • You keep cash in your property
  • You own Jewellery which has sentimental value
  • You have photographs which have sentimental value (fireproof safe)
  • You have gadgets of value
  • You have important and sensitive data on CDs or disks
  • You have confidential information you would not want others to see
  • You have outsiders coming into your home such as cleaners or trade’s people
  • You have a child who gets up to watch TV in the early hours of the morning (this is not a common one but it’s a problem that I have faced personally!)

In the list above I have focused on irreplaceable items and the list is aimed at those who really need a safe.

home safehome safe


How Owning A Safe Can Make Life Easier

We don’t always have an absolute need for everything we buy! Sometimes we invest in products because they will make life easier or give us peace of mind.

This article suggests things you may want to keep in a safe.

Many of these items are replaceable, such as; passports or house keys, debit or credit cards, however replacing them could take valuable time and expense. If your keys were in the safe the car thief may not have the opportunity to steal your car from outside your home.

Owning a safe can make life easier and can help the owner to avoid unfortunate circumstances.

How Do I Choose the Best Safe at The Best Price?

Safes are available in a range of safe grades, types, and sizes to suit a range of budgets. It is important to choose the best safe for your particular circumstances. If you are thinking of buying a security safe this article about how to choose the best safe for your needs may help with your decision. If you are looking into buying a safe in London or Hertfordshire contact our Master Locksmith for advice and a no obligation quote.

Once you have decided on the best safe for you it is important to give careful consideration to where is the best place to install a safe in your property. You don’t want to spend money on a safe and then make errors when it comes to installation location and methods. Make sure you seek advice from a qualified expert!

Should you decide you need a security safe, good luck with the decision making process. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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0203 284 1045

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