Tool Balancers Provide Easy Handling and Comfort – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Tool Balancers

In a manufacturing workstation, having a clean, organized and ergonomic work area enhances productivity and improves the assembly time and process. Safety at the workstation is a key aspect that managers need to review on a continuous ongoing basis. Exposure to high forces, awkward postures, lifting, and repetition are some common activities that can performed by an employee at assembly workstation, which can lead to potential injuries and an increase of costly compensation claims.

Risk of injury for the assembly operator depends on the duration, frequency or intensity of exposure to the assembly job function. Assembly operators often spend long periods standing and/or performing repetitive motions and lifting over the course of their shift. Ergonomic solutions can considerably reduce the physical impact of these daily industrial tasks. Assembling mechanical and electronic components demands efficiency, space, productivity and ergonomics.

Manufacturing managers need to get the tools necessary to create a cost-effective, comprehensive, and strategic solution to ensure the workplace functions with health and safety as a key priority. Torque arms are one ergonomic solution available for the assembly area. Another solution are tool balancers, which provide easy handling for operators that work with tools for long, continuous hours. The ergonomic balancers allow tools to be positioned over the work station for comfortable operation and can be used with pneumatic, electric, hydraulic or other tools.

Best practices for improving the safety at an assembly workstation:

  • Make ergonomic efforts a priority.
  • Conduct routine meetings between employees and supervisors to discuss ergonomic concerns and solutions.
  • Set ergonomic goals and track results. Share results with the employees.
  • Train employees to be more aware of ergonomic risk factors.
  • Bring in outside experts for consultations, if needed.
  • Promote employee involvement with the efforts to improve workplace conditions.

A tool balancer not only helps improve safety, but also protects an assembly tool from accidentally damage like being knocked off a workbench. Damaged assembly tools increase cost and cause production delays. Once a tool is dropped on the floor, it’s recommended to pull the tool from the production line and have it sent in for a service evaluation. The impact may damage internal parts, which may be unseen from the exterior viewpoint. Also, the torque setting needs to be evaluated as the tool may need to be recalibrated.

Mountz offers an assortment of ergonomic tool balancers for various applications:
Zero Gravity Tool Balancers (weight capacity ranges of 1.1-264 lbs)
Designed to provide gravity defying – “true balance”. These models are compact and durable. Wide range of models that can handle small tools and larger, heavier tools.

Retractor Tool Balancers (weight capacity ranges of 1.1-11 lbs)
This style balancer is the most commonly used balancer. The tension of the balancer can easily be adjusted by hand with the adjustment knob on the side.

Hose Reel Tool Balancers (weight capacity ranges of 1.1-11 lbs)
Durable Hose Reel balancers are designed for small pneumatic tools. Integrating the air hose and support cable keeps the work area clean.

Tool Positioner Balancers (weight capacity ranges of  1 -12 lbs)
A small, lightweight tool positioner that allows tools to be positioned over a work area for comfortable operation.

When planning a production area, it pays dividends for manufacturers in the long term to plan the ergonomics of the operation and consult a health and safety inspector or ergonomic manager. Ensuring both the workplace and the assembly operation are compatible with the majority of operators that handle the assembly tools, reduces future costs arising from work-related health disorders among operators, along with costs arising from poor product quality.

Using an ergonomic tool balancer makes a safer world through accuracy and precision.

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