Choosing the Best Automatic Screw Dispenser Manufacturer

Cars don’t run without gas. People don’t live without food. And assembly lines don’t run without screws. When it comes to designing your production process, it’s every bit as essential to find the right screw supply solution as it is to invest in line operators, fastening tools, and a quality control system. However, there is no one-size-fits-all screw supply solution for each individual assembly operation. The needs of your specific operation will determine what you should look for when shopping for a screw dispenser.

Choosing a screw dispenser manufacturer essentially comes down to a balance between efficiency and a return on your investment. Top-of-the-line, fully automated screw dispenser setups can be highly efficient, but they’re also expensive. Unless you have the production capacity or complexity to realize a worthwhile gain in efficiency from installing one of these systems, you might spend more on the system than you’ll make back over the course of its lifetime. Likewise, low-end systems are inexpensive and easy to install, but they are unlikely to significantly improve a complex or high-capacity assembly operation’s overall efficiency. As a result, these systems will not provide a return on even the modest investment they require. So, when selecting a screw dispenser manufacturer, it’s important to take a close look at the needs of your operation and the capabilities of different screw dispensing systems.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Screw Dispenser Manufacturer

First, you’ll need to diagnose your operation’s needs. The way to do that is to answer a few simple questions about your assembly process, such as:

  • What is the production speed of your process?
    • Your production speed will determine how rapidly you need screws delivered to your operators or automated tools. To determine how quickly you need screws delivered, consider the slowest aspect of your process. Where is the lag time? If the slowest aspect is your screw delivery, then you should be able to easily increase efficiency by installing a new screw delivery system. If your screw delivery system is already faster than other aspects of your process, you won’t be able to realize gains in efficiency without upgrading those elements of your assembly operation as well.
  • What is the automation level of your process?
    • There’s a world of difference between line operators picking single screws from open bins or shaker trays and robotic assembly arms receiving two screws per second via a pneumatic delivery system. On the more basic side, it’s easy to install a screw presenter and significantly increase your operator’s installation speed. If you’re already delivering screws at high speeds, your gains may come from installing screw counters to increase your process oversight and enhance quality assurance rather than adding a new delivery system.
  • How much efficiency or capacity will you need to gain in order to generate a return?
    • This question is related to the two above. Before selecting any screw dispensing system, it’s important to compare the system’s initial and ongoing costs, including debt servicing and other ancillary costs, to the gains you hope to realize with your new system. How many months or years of increased capacity will it take to amortize the cost? If the answer is longer than the expected useful lifespan of the system, it’s obviously a bad purchase. If your calculations predict a relatively short repayment period and a long period of profitability, you’re looking at the right screw delivery system.
  • Do you need to reconfigure your assembly operations often?
    • Few factories produce the same exact product day after day, decade after decade. For some, the turnaround time between reconfigurations is as short as weeks, or it may be ongoing. If your factory is continuously retooling to handle different run orders, it’s important to choose a screw delivery system that is easy to reconfigure. Basic screw presenter systems are usually quick and simple to adjust, and certain high-level automated systems are also capable of quick adjustment. However, others may require significant reassembly to ready them for the next job. These systems will be more useful for companies that reconfigure their assembly process less frequently.
  • What size fasteners does your process require?
    • Screws and other fasteners come in a wide variety of sizes. While many screw delivery systems are adjustable, not all of them are built to handle all the different screw sizes. A company assembling medical devices with micro-sized screws will probably need to invest in a different screw delivery system than a company assembling cars or trucks, which require large bolts. Be sure to find a screw delivery system that can handle the entire range of screw sizes you use in your assembly.
  • Does your process require any non-standard fasteners?
    • Certain types of fasteners are unable to fit through normal screw delivery systems due to their unusual size or protrusions. For these fasteners, specialized or even customized screw delivery solutions may be needed. Be sure to check to make sure your screws will fit through any screw delivery system you’re considering. For unusual fasteners, it may be best to provide a physical example to be certain it will fit. In addition, some fasteners have special coatings or must be treated delicately. To ensure these fasteners are not damaged during delivery, make sure to find a screw delivery system that handles screws with care.
  • Where is your process located compared to the manufacturer?
    • Every system will require routine maintenance and may also need repair. Choosing a manufacturer based near your location—or with a nearby service center—can reduce your downtime and improve your overall efficiency. Certain manufacturers even have expedited service plans which allow you to initiate maintenance or repair without completing reams of paperwork every time.

Once you’ve answered all these questions, the next step is to start looking for a screw dispenser that meets your needs. A variety of manufacturers produce screw dispensers, and the only real way to find the right solution for your business is to shop around.

As you do, there’s one more thing to keep in mind. Buying a screw dispenser system isn’t the same as buying a cup of coffee; you’ll be entering into a relationship with a manufacturer which will likely last for years, if not decades. As you’re shopping, ask yourself, “Are these the people I want to be working with for the next ten years?” Good people equals good service, which not only makes your work far more pleasant but also translates into faster repairs, less downtime, and higher overall profit margins. Often, as you’re probably learned already over the years, surrounding yourself with good people is the secret to success.

At Mountz, we’re dedicated to providing quality fastening solutions and unbeatable customer service. With two service centers located on opposite sides of the country, we can maintain and repair our products quickly and effectively. We’re happy to work with you to ensure you have the best initial and ongoing customer experience possible. For more information, contact us today. Or, if you’re ready to move towards purchasing, request a quote or schedule an appointment with one of our experts.