Developing the IKS Locksmiths Website

Click here for the whole Diary of a North London Locksmith series.

As locksmiths in High Barnet we know that a great website that generates phone calls is really important when it comes to becoming a self employed locksmith. My previous diary post was about building the IKS Locksmiths brand. The next stage was to develop the IKS Locksmiths website.

Conveying IKS Locksmiths Brand Values

Once again it was important that the website should effectively communicate that IKS Locksmiths are a no nonsense, professional, trustworthy company. Going deeper than that, as a new business website, we wanted to ensure the unique selling points that we mentioned in the previous diary post about building a brand, came across clearly to the user. In particular the fact that we are;

  • Master Locksmith Association Qualified
  • Reliable and trustworthy
  • Local
  • 24 hour Emergency Locksmith Services in North London 
  • Professional
  • Competitive on price
  • Specialists in Residential and Commercial Locksmithing

Choosing a Website Company

There are many website design companies out there and we were keen to make a wise and considered choice when it came to choosing a company to design the website.

Having attempted to design our own website we became aware that is was important that we select a company with individuals who specialise in the various areas that would come together to produce a great website. I am a great believer that you should choose individuals that specialise in a particular area because they are more likely to be experts at what they do than someone who is a jack of all trades. I know this applies to locksmiths and was pretty sure that it would apply to this situation too.

Website Delevopment

We came to realise that to build a website there were a number of different elements

  • Design – the look
  • Programming – to bring the design to fruition
  • Content – copywriting to effectively communicate our services and values.
  • Search engine optimisation – search engine friendly website

The way we approached the task was to research companies online that would be interested in building a small business website. Choosing a company that would give our project as much attention as their other clients was important. We weren’t necessarily looking for a company that had previously built a locksmith website.

After contacting a number of companies the ones which sent us proposals companies were the ones we considered. We talked on the phone and then chose a few to meet with. We chose a local company who gave us confidence, had experts working with each area and seemed enthusiastic about the project.

It took significant time and effort and extensive communication with the design company to achieve the results we envisioned. In the end we were pleased with the look, feel and functionality of the final website. The next challenge was to make sure that the website could be found.

Which brings us to our next chapter, Marketing IKS Locksmiths. The next post tells how we manage the different aspects of IKS Locksmiths as a team. In the meantime I would be delighted to hear any questions or comments you may have.

Stay Safe

Martin (The North London Locksmith)

Updated in 2021

How can we help you?

For professional security advice and information call to speak directly to Martin, our Master Locksmith and security specialist.

0203 284 1045
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