Never Leave a Key On The Inside of a UPVC Door! – IKS Blog

Leaving a key on the inside of a PVC door could cause you to get locked out. UPVC doors are quite popular and this is something that I commonly encounter as a North London based locksmith. Most people with pvc doors are unaware that this can cause a problem until it happens to them!

How You Could Get Locked Out by Leaving a Key Inside a PVC Door

It is possible to leave a key inside a UPVC door and use another key to open it from the outside. The problem happens when the key on the inside is very slightly turned. When this happens it is impossible to turn the key from the other side. Opening a door with this problem can take some creative thinking from an experienced locksmith

pvc door lockpvc door lock

How to Open a UPVC Door When You Are Locked Out

If you are locked out for this reason an experienced locksmith should be able to gain access without destroying the lock. The particular method of gaining access will very much depend on the circumstances for the particular door and property. There are a number of methods that can be used and a good locksmith will have access to specialist tools to enable non destructive access.

If you do find yourself in this situation and need to call a local locksmith in an emergency ensure that you choose a certified locksmith to achieve the best possible outcome.

UPVC Door and Window Security

UPVC door security is different to wooden or aluminium doors. A UPVC door lock mechanism is quite different and there are particular problems that I come across with upvc door locks regularly.

upvc door and windowupvc door and window

You can read here about how to prevent problems with PVC doors.

We are experienced in dealing with a range of UPVC door security devices and carry out professional UPVC door lock replacement, repairs and installation of UPVC door restrictors.  We can advise you on how to gain extra security for UPVC doors and maintain them well to avoid common issues. You can read about the best door locks here.

We also specialise in window security repairs and installation of high quality window locks and upvc window restrictors.

Choosing a New UPVC Door

houses with pvc windowshouses with pvc windows

In my experience as a locksmith there are multiple problems that can occur with UPVC doors. When people are thinking about buying a new door and ask me my opinion I advise against choosing UPVC doors for security and maintenance reasons. You can read more here about choosing a door and which type of door is more secure.

We would welcome the opportunity to advise you on any issues you may have with UPVC locks. Whether you need us to open, repair or change a UPVC door lock we can help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. You can call us on:

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