Why Demand for Security Grilles in London Has Increased – IKS Blog

I am amazed at the increased demand for security grilles in the last year! As an experienced Locksmith fitting security grilles in North London I have never seen anything like it. Roller shutter installation in London is also popular.

It begs the question why are Londoners are increasingly choosing to buy security grilles and shutters for security? Why buy a security grille at all? Of course they are excellent when it comes to providing high security to any home or business. Also they are more popular in particular areas and it’s quite common that I will install security grilles in a property and then get a call from a neighbour to do the same.  Over and above that I have a number of theories as to why the trend for grilles is increasing so rapidly.

London Crime Rates


You can see burglaries in London per month here. Often security statistics are not transparent. I have had to get my calculator out to work out the total number of burglaries in London each year.

Burglaries in London;

  • 2018:   80,610 (+4869 on the previous year)
  • 2017:   75,741 (+7483 on the previous year
  • 2016:   68,258 (-1969 on the previous year)
  • 2015:   70,227

I can conclude from these burglary rates that the number of burglaries has increased from 2017 to 2018, all be it not as much as between 2016 and 2017. Prior to this the rates were falling. In my experience as a Master Locksmith people tend to decide to install security grilles as a knee jerk reaction burglary at their property or in their area.

Reduced Police Presence

Burglary PreventionBurglary Prevention

Could the increasing crime rates be due to sparse levels of policing in London as discussed in this article in the Guardian?

The Brexit Effect

Every day I hear the effects of Brexit on Londoners. There is a general air of uncertainty in London and across the UK. This uncertainty seems to lead to insecurity and panic! I know many people who are making preparations “just in case”. We aren’t sure how we will be affected and the instinct is to look to ways to protect yourself and future proof by stock piling food, preparing paperwork and who knows what else. There is a possibility that anger and a sense of injustice have had a negative effect on burglary rates and hate crimes as reported here in the Guardian.

Rogue Traders

MLA locksmithMLA locksmith

When we can’t trust “security specialists” who can we trust? Locksmiths in the UK don’t need to be CRB checked. Legally someone can come out of prison and set up as a locksmith. More and more people are suffering at the hands of rogue traders and it is possible that the feeling of insecurity generated is encouraging people to step up their levels of security.

You can read here about our professional approach to fitting security grilles. It is so important to know about and trust anyone who is dealing with something as sensitive as your security.

Security Trend

security grillessecurity grilles

The main thing that I notice on a daily basis is that people are seeing their friends and neighbours installing security grilles and they see that if done properly they can look really good and give a real feeling of security when you are out during the day and at night as well as when you are home.  They are ideal if you hold high value items in your property or you are in some way more vulnerable.

So in answer to the question; “Why buy security grilles?” Metal security grilles really are the ultimate in defense again intruders.

IKS Locksmiths are MLA approved side folding security grilles specialists and fixed security grilles in London. We install the best grilles at the best prices. All our products are of the highest quality as is our workmanship. If you are based in North London and would like a quote for security grilles call us now on;

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0203 284 1045

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